Teleomorph state: Hypocrella calendulina.
Description:Specimens were found on the underside of most monocotyledonous leaves (bamboo) but occasionally on dicotyledonous leaves of forest plants. Hosts are Hemiptera (nymph of scale insect). Mongkolsamrit et al. (2009) described “Stromata circular, flattened-discoid, yellow at first through orange to dark orange; convex in teleomorph to concave in anamorph up to 8 mm diam, 1.5–2 mm high; margin undulate, base slightly constricted; internally hyaline to whitish-coloured. Hypothallus membranous, slight or thick, 0.5–1 mm thick, pale yellow. Conidiomata pycnidial, ostioles dark orange-brown, ca. 100 mm diam; embedded in stroma, scattered or circular, flattened globose 200–390 µm high x 300–400 µm diam. Phialides slender, narrow, cylindrical, up to 65 x 1.5 µm. Pycnidial paraphyses present, linear, filiform, flexuous, up to 220 µm long, 2 mm wide. Conidia fusoid to narrowly fusiform, with acute ends, 12.5–15 x 2.5–3.8 µm.” In culture the colonies on PDA were slow-growing, attaining a diam. of 4-5 mm after 4 wk at 20 oC. Colonies were pale brown; when old, culture turning gray-brown to cocoa brown. Sporulation begins after 4 wk from pycnidia. Collections in Thailand have been made from Doi Inthanon National park in the far north until Khao Pu-Khao Ya National Park in the South. Collections have been made throughout the tear.
References:Mongkolsamrit S., Luangsa-ard, J.J., Spatafora, J.W., Sung, G.-H., Hywel-Jones, N.L. (2009). A combined ITS rDNA and b-tubulin phylogeny of Thai species of Hypocrella with non-fragmenting ascospores. Mycological Research 113: 684-699.
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