Teleomorph state: Aschersonia pediculoides P. Henn., Hedwigia 145 (1902) Aschersonia eujeniae Koord., Bot. Untersuch., 214 (1902) Aschersonia suzukii Miyabe and Sawada, J. Coll. agric., Hokkaido Imp. Univ. 5: 80 (1913)
Description:Moelleriella javanica (Penz. & Sacc.) Chaverri & K.T. Hodge
References:Specimens were found on the under and upper sides of leaves of forest plants and often along the midvein, petioles and stem. Hosts are Hemiptera (scale insects). Stromata hemispherical, moderately hard when dry, consisting of dense hyphae, up to 1.5 mm in diam., ca. 0.5 mm high. When fresh, the stomata are orange to red brown, base usually surrounded by broad fibrillose hypothallus, yellow to reddish. Pycnidia embedded singly in the stroma, mostly central but could also be peripheral, up to 50 μm in diam. When fresh a copious mass of yellow to orange conidia was extruded from pycnidia. Paraphyses are absent. Phialides slender, up to 17.5 x 1.5-2 μm. Conidia hyaline, narrow, fusoid, ends tapering, pointed, 7-10 x 2 μm. The conidia of Thai specimens were smaller than those described by Petch (1921) (9-14 x 2-3.5 μm). Conidia will germinate within 24 h on PDA. Colonies are slow-growing, attaining, a diam. of 4 mm and producing conidia after ca. 4 wk on PDA at 20°C. Colonies dense with weft of yellowish mycelia, spore mass yellow to orange spreading over the stroma. Collections in Thailand have been from Doi Inthanon National Park in the far north and in Khao Pu – Khao Ya National Park in the south. Collections have been made throughout the year. To date there have been no records from monocotyledonous plants (e.g. bamboo). This has also been found on guava.
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