Anamorph state: Akanthomyces sp.
Description:Specimens were found on the underside of leaves of forest plants. Hosts are spiders (Araneae). Stromata arising from the dorsal part of the host abdomen; erect, 5 mm high. Stipes cylindrical, fleshy, solid, 4 mm long, 0.4 mm thick. Hyphae of the upper surface irregularly joined, thin, 2.5-3 mm thick, multiseptate, verrucose. Fertile parts disc-shaped, 2 x 0.8 mm, yellowish, upper surface slightly convex. Perithecia completely immersed, upright, ovoid to obclavate or naviculate, sometimes curved, 530-550 x 180-190 µm. Asci 400-450 x 5-6 µm, cap 4-4.5 µm in diam. Ascospores forming segments, remain whole after discharge. In culture the colonies on PDA are relatively fast-growing, attaining a diam. of 1 cm in 14 d at 20°C. The mycelia are whitish and turn the agar red with age. Colony reverse on PDA reddish brown with white edges. The fungus is regularly found in Khao Yai National Park but collections have also been made throughout Thailand.
References:Kobayasi, Y. & Shimizu, D. (1977). Some species of Cordyceps and its allies on spiders. Kew Bulletin, 31: 557-566.
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