There are more than ten synonyms for Isaria farinosa. See Samson (1974) or the Index Fungorum ( for more information. Ramaria farinosa Holmsk., K. Danske Vidensk. Selsk. Skr. Nye Samling 1: 279 (1781) Paecilomyces farinosus (Holmsk.: Fr.) A.H.S. Br. & G. Sm, Trans. Br. Mycol. Soc. 40: 50 (1957) Isaria crassa Pers., Comment. Fung. Clavaeform. p. 99. (1797); ex S. F. Gray, Nat. Arrang. Brit. Pl., p. 562 (1821) Isaria velutipes Link, Mag. Ges. Naturf. Freunde, Berlin 3: 20 (1809); ex S. F. Gray, Nat. Arrang. Brit. Pl. , p. 562 (1821) Isaria clavata Ditm., Sturm Deutschl. Fl., Pilze 1: 113 (1817); ex Pers., Mycol. eur. 1: 46 (1822) Isaria furcata Schw., Trans. Am. phil. Soc. 4: 304 (1834) Verticillium corymbosum Lebert, Z. wiss. Zool. 9: 445 (1858) Spicaria longipes Petch, Trans. Br. Mycol. Soc. 21: 51 (1937) = Paecilomyces longipes (Petch) Brown & Smith, Trans. Br. Mycol. Soc. 40: 75 (1957) Isaria takamizusanensis Y. Kobayasi, Sci. Rep. Tokyo Bunrika Daig. 5: 229 (1941) Isaria farinosa (Holm ex S.F. Gray) Fr. Var. citriformis Y. Kobayasi, Sci. Rep. Tokyo Bunrika Daig. 5: 235 (1941) Spicaria pulvinata Mains, Mycologia 41: 305 (1949)
Teleomorph state: suspected in Cordyceps or Torrubiella
Description:Specimens were found in leaf litter or underside of leaves. Hosts are from several insect orders (Coleoptera, Diptera, Hemiptera, Homoptera, Hymenoptera and Lepidoptera) and also spiders. Host is covered by dense powdery mycelia, white to yellow-white bearing numerous conidiophores, sometimes synnemata arise from different parts of the insect body. Conidiogenous structures more swollen in nature than from in vitro cultures. Colonies on PDA are relatively fast-growing attaining a diam. of 50-60 mm in 14 d at 25°C. Colonies floccose, white turning cream or yellow and powdery at the onset of conidiation, reverse yellow or cream. Conidiophores either arising from side branches of aerial hyphae or directly from submerged mycelia. Conidiogenous cells flask-shaped, smooth-walled 8-10 x 1.5-2 mm. Conidia hyaline and smooth-walled, globose, subglobose to ellipsoidal, 4-6 x 2 mm. Isaria farinosa is another common species of Isaria collected in Thailand. A Torrubiella-like teleomorph was found in strains collected from spiders. Work is underway to investigate the relationships of strains from different hosts. Preliminary molecular work revealed several phylogenetic species from this one morphospecies.
References:Luangsa-ard, J.J., Hywel-Jones, N.L., Manoch, L. & Samson, R.A. (2005). On the relationships of Paecilomyces sect. Isarioidea species. Mycological Research 109: 581-589. Samson, R.A. (1974). Paecilomyces and some allied Hyphomycetes. Studies in Mycology 6: 32-36.