Teleomorph state: suspected in Cordyceps
Description:Specimens were found in the leaf litter. Hosts are hemipteran stink bugs and cicadas. Synnemata arising from the host with a short grey stipe, 2-5 mm long, with swollen creamish tips. The conidiogenous structures at the tip at first white turning powdery greyish purple due to heavy sporulation. Phialides bottle-shaped, smooth-walled and hyaline, 6-8 x 2 µm, with long tapering necks. Conidia fusiform to ellipsoidal, 2-4 x 1-1.5 µm. Colonies on PDA fast-growing, attaining a diam. of 1 cm within 7 d at 20˚C, composed of a rather densely matted felt, with a thin overgrowth of mycelia at first grey changing into more grey-green colors to the dark green reverse. In Thailand specimens of I. takamizusanensis have been collected not only from stink bugs but also from cicadas. Collections have been found mostly in the north part of Thailand.
References:Kobayasi, Y. (1941). The genus Cordyceps and its allies. Science Reports of the Tokyo Bunrika Daigaku, (Section B. No.84) 5: 53-260.